Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/category/hop-tac-quoc-te-en/ Tue, 21 Nov 2023 06:27:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 //wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 //interketsa.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/favicon.png Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/category/hop-tac-quoc-te-en/ 32 32 Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/university-for-the-creative-arts-uk-visits-nguyen-tat-thanh-university/ //interketsa.com/en/university-for-the-creative-arts-uk-visits-nguyen-tat-thanh-university/#respond Sun, 05 Nov 2023 02:06:40 +0000 //interketsa.com/?p=45556 NTTU ?Recently, at the main campus in District 4, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) welcomed the delegation from the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) to visit for in-depth discussion. The delegation was led by Prof. Terry Perk ?Pro Vice ?Chancellor along with Ms. Linda Hallback ?Head of Global Engagement. Representing...


NTTU ?Recently, at the main campus in District 4, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) welcomed the delegation from the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) to visit for in-depth discussion.

The delegation was led by Prof. Terry Perk ?Pro Vice ?Chancellor along with Ms. Linda Hallback ?Head of Global Engagement.

Representing bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , Dr. Tran Ai Cam – President; Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong – Vice President and heads/deputies of NTTU’s faculties and departments.

Previously, in July 2023, NTTU signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UCA to implement a joint academic project on creative design and innovation training programs for both undergraduate and postgraduate. At the same time, the two parties discussed through online platform on implementing a combination of traditional and hybrid trainings (offline, online and blended) for programs regarding creative industries.

The visit of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c Delegates at University for the Creative Arts (UCA) in July 2023

To prepare for the cooperation between the two universities, NTTU has established the Institute for Creative Design and Business (ICDB) with the mission of approaching contemporary technology and arts, offering the creative degrees in the fields of design, media and business with global vision, interdisciplinary knowledge, critical thinking and ability for innovation; creating inspiration and value for the society. Currently, ICDB is soon ready to begin students enrollment in those areas: Bachelor of Fashion Design, Bachelor of Business Administration (majoring in Business Management and Technology) , Bachelor of Marketing (majoring in Digital Marketing and Social Media) and Bachelor of Information Technology (majoring in Technology and Innovation).

The discussion between University for the Creative Arts (UCA) and bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c

Dr. Tran Ai Cam – President of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c shared that this will be an important foundation facilitating the collaboration between UCA and NTTU in training dual degrees of Business Administration and Technology, Digital Marketing and Social Media. In particular, the president added that the University will coordinate with UCA to offer the masters of Architecture, Graphic Design and Fashion according to British standards.

“This will be an opportunity for domestic and foreign students to study, exchange and experience different cultural values and advanced learning models of the creative industries” – Dr. Cam emphasized.

Within the official visit to bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , the delegates from the University for the Creative Arts had chance to visit the campus in District 12 and the High Technology Development Center of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (Thu Duc City).

The delegation of University for the Creative Arts (UCA) visited the High Technology Development Center of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (Thu Duc City)

Impressed with the hospitality and the cutting-edge facilities of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , Prof. Terry Perk ?Pro Vice Chancellor of University for the Creative Arts (UCA) expressed that NTTU is one of the first universities in Southeast Asia and the only one in Vietnam that UCA is keen on establishing a cooperative partnership in degrees creative design and business. Prof. Terry Perk expects that the cooperation between the two institutions will open up new opportunities for collaboration in creative fields.

In the coming time, two universities will continue to implement joint cooperative projects to strongly develop the creative and innovative sectors in Vietnam.

bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and University for the Creative Arts (UCA) exchanged souvenirs.


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Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/nguyen-tat-thanh-university-welcomes-swiss-ep-vietnams-delegates/ //interketsa.com/en/nguyen-tat-thanh-university-welcomes-swiss-ep-vietnams-delegates/#respond Fri, 20 Oct 2023 08:11:00 +0000 //interketsa.com/?p=45839 NTTU ?With the purpose of improving international integration and cooperation, the entrepreneurship, innovation, and commercialization competencies for staff, lecturers and students, on October 13th 2023, Nguyen Tat Thanh university welcomed and worked with the Swiss EP Vietnam delegation. It is known that Swiss EP is a startup support program of the Swiss government, implemented...

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NTTU ?With the purpose of improving international integration and cooperation, the entrepreneurship, innovation, and commercialization competencies for staff, lecturers and students, on October 13th 2023, Nguyen Tat Thanh university welcomed and worked with the Swiss EP Vietnam delegation. It is known that Swiss EP is a startup support program of the Swiss government, implemented throughout Vietnam with the goal of promoting startup activities and creating a startup support ecosystem.

Swiss EP’s representatives were Mr. Martin Webber and Mr. Kevin Murphy, Swiss EP Experts; Mr. Hub Langstaff – Country Director of Swiss EP Vietnam and Ms. Nguyen Quynh Anh – Program Director of Swiss EP Vietnam.

Mr. Hub Langstaff – Country Director Swiss EP Vietnam

Participants from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c were Dr. Tran Ai Cam ?President; Associate Professor, PhD. Bach Long Giang ?Director of the Center for Innovation and Incubation; Dr. Hoang Thinh Nhan – Deputy Director of the Center for Innovation and Incubation; MSc. Huynh Hong Mai ?Deputy Director of the Center for Innovation and Incubation; MSc. Nguyen Phuong Thong – Deputy Head of International Relations Department; Associate Professor. Dr. Vo Thanh Sang – Deputy Director of the Institute for Advanced Agricultural Biology Research and Development; Associate Professor. Dr. Tran Viet Cuong – Deputy Director of NTT Institute of High Technology; Dr. Nguyen Huu Thuan Anh ?Deputy Head of Science and Technology Department; Dr. Tran Viet Thang – Deputy Head of Science and Technology Department.

Ms. Nguyen Quynh Anh – Program Director of Swiss EP Vietnam introduced Swiss EP as a program to support start-up innovation and commercialization for universities around the world. In this visit, Swiss EP hopes to understand the challenges and orientations of innovative startup development of the Unviersity in the near future so that both sides can work together to promote innovative startup models at bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c .

Ms. Nguyen Quynh Anh – Program Director of Swiss EP Vietnam

Dr. Tran Ai Cam – President of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c shared: “The innovative entrepreneurial university model has been the main trend of education and training in recent years, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c is one of the pioneers in oriented training based on this model. Therefore, meeting and working with the delegates today is also an honor for NTTU. Hopefully, after today’s meeting, we will open up opportunities to cooperate together to build a more successful innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Dr. Tran Ai Cam – Principal of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c spoke at the program

Dr. Hoang Thinh Nhan – Deputy Director of the Center for Innovation and Incubation (NIIC) introduced the center and the University’s incubation activities for students?innovative projects.

Dr. Hoang Thinh Nhan – Deputy Director of the Center for Innovation and Startup Incubation presented the presentation

 Mr. Kevin Murphy – Swiss EP expert shared the innovative entrepreneurial university models in the world and suggestions for building models at universities.

Mr. Kevin Murphy – Swiss EP expert

MSc. Huynh Hong Mai – Deputy Director of the Center for Innovation and Incubation shared and discussed the activities of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c with appropriate changes towards an innovative entrepreneurial university.

ThS. Huỳnh Hồng Mai – Phó Giám đốc Trung tâm Sáng tạo và Ươm tạo khởi nghiệp

bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c always focuses on cooperating with reputable domestic and international partners and organizations to be more and more successful in building an innovative entrepreneurial university. bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c not only focuses on the high employability rate, but also wants to provide the human resources capable of starting their own business in the future.

Post: Quy Duyen

Photos: Media 

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Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/dean-of-nttus-falcuty-of-civil-engineering-as-visiting-professor-at-adamson-university-philippines/ //interketsa.com/en/dean-of-nttus-falcuty-of-civil-engineering-as-visiting-professor-at-adamson-university-philippines/#respond Thu, 05 Oct 2023 06:21:57 +0000 //interketsa.com/?p=46247 NTTU – Prof. Dr. Vu Truong Vu, Dean of Falcuty of Civil Engineering, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c recently delivered his initial lectures of Civil Engineering disciplines to students of the College of Engineering, Adamson University (AdU), Philippines as their Visiting Professor. Accordingly, the delegation of lecturers from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , composed of five members,...

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NTTU – Prof. Dr. Vu Truong Vu, Dean of Falcuty of Civil Engineering, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c recently delivered his initial lectures of Civil Engineering disciplines to students of the College of Engineering, Adamson University (AdU), Philippines as their Visiting Professor. Accordingly, the delegation of lecturers from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , composed of five members, was working at AdU for 7 days.

Dr. Fr. Marcelo V. Manimtim, AdU’s President and his staff welcome Prof. Dr. Vu Truong Vu

Dr. Merlinda A. Palencia, Dean of AdU’s College of Engineering, warmly welcomed the delegation from NTTU’s Department of Civil Engineering. Dr. Merlinda A. Palencia highly appreciated the lectures provided by lecturers from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and regarded this as a significant achievement in the cooperation between the two institutions. Through this program, Dr. Palencia hoped to organize more visiting professor programs and student exchange programs between the two universities in the future.

Dr. Merlinda A. Palencia, Dean of AdU’s College of Engineering, gives a welcome speech.

During this teaching program, Prof. Dr. Vu Truong Vu introduced a subject on Modern Optimization Methods – Case Studies in Civil Engineering. Throughout the one-week teaching program, basic knowledge of both Classical and Modern Optimization Methods and their applications in construction were presented to nearly 100 senior students majoring in Civil Engineering at AdU. This was a crucial moment since students were preparing for their graduation projects.

Prof. Dr. Vu Truong Vu delivers his lecture.

Optimization plays a significant role in all areas of life. In the field of construction, Optimization can be applied to the structural design, construction process, relating costs, and more.

Furthermore, the delegation from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c also brought lectures to AdU’s lecturers and students about Structural Health Monitoring of High-rise Buildings and Slender Masonry Minarets. According to Dr. Nguyen Thue Quy, Structural Health Monitoring is a relatively new topic attracting many researchers in the field of construction, especially in countries frequently affected by earthquakes such as Turkey, Italy, and Japan.

Dr. Quy emphasized that the Philippines is often heavily affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons. Therefore, monitoring the health of sensitive structures like increasingly-emerging skyscrapers and historical buildings is of utmost importance.

Dr. Nguyen Thue Quy participates in the teaching.

Sharing his thoughts on the Visiting Professor Program, Prof. Dr. Vu Truong Vu said that this program was an essential part of the collaboration between bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and Adamson University in the Philippines. The subjects taught directly by lecturers from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c contributed to enriching the topics belonging to Construction Engineering, which both institutions were concerned about.

Through the teaching sessions, lecturers and students from both universities also had the opportunity to exchange specialized knowledge, learn about each other’s cultures, and contribute to promoting collaborative teaching programs and student exchange programs between the two institutions in the future.

As part of the program, the delegation from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c visited the facilities for Adamson University students, which included various practice rooms, laboratories, Start-up hub, theaters, and more.

The delegation from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c visited the facilities at Adamson University (Philippines).

Before these activities, NTTU’s Faculty of Civil Engineering and AdU’s College of Engineering (Philippines) had successfully organized lectures on Ultra High Strength Concrete, delivered by Dr. Le Ho Minh Tri from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , and Engineering Management and Organization, delivered by prof. Tomas U. Ganiron from Adamson University.

Established in 1941, Adamson University is one of the oldest universities in the Philippines, offering a wide range of multidisciplinary programs. AdU is ranked 651st in the QS Asia University Rankings. Adamson University has expanded globally by accepting international students, partnering with foreign institutions and organizations, integrating into ASEAN, and establishing alumni associations in many countries.

Dr. Nguyen Thue Quy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c

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Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/opening-ceremony-for-the-summer-school-road-safety-management/ //interketsa.com/en/opening-ceremony-for-the-summer-school-road-safety-management/#respond Mon, 28 Aug 2023 02:49:32 +0000 //interketsa.com/?p=42451 NTTU ?This afternoon (August 21) “The Summer School – Road Safety Management” was officially opened at campus 300A, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c . The program was attended by experts, lecturers and students from universities of Vietnam, Italy, Malaysia and Indonesia. Representatives from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c were Dr. Tran Ai Cam ?President of the...

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NTTU ?This afternoon (August 21) “The Summer School – Road Safety Management” was officially opened at campus 300A, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c .

The program was attended by experts, lecturers and students from universities of Vietnam, Italy, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Representatives from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c were Dr. Tran Ai Cam ?President of the University, Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong, Vice President along with lecturers, managerial leaders, heads/deputies of departments, faculties and centers attended face-to-face and online.

This is an activity within the framework of AsiaSafe Project funded by Erasmus plus to adjust and build an advanced and modern master’s training program in the field of Road Safety. In addition, this is also an opportunity for students from other countries to interact and approach different teaching methods from lecturers from European countries, Vietnam, Malaysia; creating opportunities for lecturers to participate in teaching and sharing experiences; enabling countries to understand the traffic situation in Vietnam in general and in Ho Chi Minh City in particular.

Through the program, members will share experiences as well as the best solutions of their countries through class lectures with students, and through the course, the University has more opportunities for international cooperation with partner universities is also an opportunity for the University to promote NTTU’s image to friends around the world, especially in the European market.

Dr. Tran Ai Cam – President of the university addresses at the event

Opening the ceremony, Dr. Tran Ai Cam ?President of the University shared: “International cultural exchange would bring about opportunities to learn and build international spiritual wealth, as we always see ourselves as part of the world of endless creativity. The so-called “cross-border classroom?is a place where language or cultural boundaries are blurred so that everyone enjoy freedom in exploring and sharing the knowledge on the differences, the practices of each region/nation respectively, including regional and international traffic culture and safety. I also hope that this school summer course amongst students of Vietnam, Italy, Sweden, and Malaysia would bring you practical knowledge as well as memorable experience at bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , and above all, Vietnamese culture.?/p>

It is known that after the opening session, the course will take place from August 21 to September 1. Stay tuned for more exciting activities to come!

News: Cẩm Thạch

Photos: Media

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Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/international-conference-digital-innovation-blockchain-and-fintech-2023-attracts-more-than-200-scientists/ //interketsa.com/en/international-conference-digital-innovation-blockchain-and-fintech-2023-attracts-more-than-200-scientists/#respond Sat, 24 Jun 2023 07:57:42 +0000 //interketsa.com/?p=38934 NTTU ?On 21st and 22nd June, 2023, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) and Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST) co-organized the international conference on “Digital Innovation ?Blockchain and Fintech 2023? The conference received the virtual and physical participation of more than 200 leading experts and scientists in fintech and blockchain from UK,...

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NTTU ?On 21st and 22nd June, 2023, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) and Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST) co-organized the international conference on “Digital Innovation ?Blockchain and Fintech 2023?

The conference received the virtual and physical participation of more than 200 leading experts and scientists in fintech and blockchain from UK, Vietnam, Malaysia, India, China, Netherlands, Korea, and other Asian countries.

“Digital Innovation ?Blockchain and Fintech 2023?took place at bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c with the participation of senior leaders, including Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan ?Chairwoman of the University Council; Dr. Nguyen Van Luong ?Vice Chairman, the Board of Directors; Dr. Tran Ai Cam ?President; Dr. Thai Hong Thuy Khanh ?Head, Conference’s Steering Committee; Mr. Le Quang Khanh ?Head, International Relations Department; together with lecturers, researchers, scholars, students, and more than 20 presenters.

Many local and international scientists and experts at the event

Keynotes delivered by the leading experts in fintech and blockchain included Prof. Premkumar Rajagopal, President of Malaysia University of Science and Technology, Prof. Geoffrey Williams, the Provost for Research and Innovation, Malaysia University of Science and Technology, Prof. Dr. Barjoyai Bardai, Emeritus Professor, Malaysia University of Science and Technology, Dr. Ismarudi ABD Kadir, Chief Information Security Officer at Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad, and Mr. Daniel Wu, Senior Product Manager for Fintrust and Digital Bank.

Large-scale participation of scientists, experts, businessmen, lecturers, and students

Researchers, lecturers, experts, and business leaders shared and discussed on seeking solutions in banking and financial investment industry such as financial management, blockchain, fintech, marketing, transport and logistics, information technology and communication in the international context. The conference was also a forum to exchange professional knowledge and enhance their research competencies.

The conference welcomed presentations on new application surveys of fintech and blockchain, unique and creative methodologies in digital innovation research, fintech and blockchain in business, finance, accounting, law, and related areas, thus updating knowledge and proposing new research directions.

Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan ?Chairwoman of the University Council delivers the opening remarks

Opening the conference, Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan conveyed the warmest greetings and thanks to scientists, experts, entrepreneurs, and scholars participated. She affirmed that NTTU is the reputed higher education institution for academic exchanges, experience sharing and new research update on digital innovation solutions and technologies, fintech and blockchain in the context of international integration, then creating breakthrough innovation models.

Prof. Premkumar Rajagopal ?President of MUST, delivers keynote “Fintech ?the Future of Finance?/em>

Prof. Premkumar Rajagopal ?President of MUST noticed the current development of finance and banking as well as its fast-moving advancements, especially in fintech and blockchain. Work-based learning is a perfect model for students to capture knowledge and new models in today’s digital world, particularly in fintech and blockchain. The university needs to equip fresh graduates full of knowledge and skills, learning new terminologies in fintech, preparing to take up opportunities in the digital world and segment in the context of digitalization.

Many virtual and physical presentations on fintech services, technology applications on finance, fintech ecosystem, economy development, innovation, inclusive finance and society development


Keynote presentation by Prof. Dr. Selleppan ?Former Provost of MUST

Lecturers and researchers of NTTU contributed many research and presentations, remarkably the Empirical Study about the Awareness of E-Wallet using in Vietnam; The Impact of Digital Banking on the Performance of Commercial Banks in Vietnam by using the CAMELS Ratio Framework; Market and Bank risks: Evidence of Vietnam’s stock market, etc. attracting the interests of many experts, scientists, business representatives for its significance and necessity.

Plenty of questions, discussions and contributions of experts, researchers, lecturers, and students also provided useful information and issues that need to be further researched, including legal and regulatory risks in the field of technology, data confidentiality, cyber security, etc.

Dr. Tran Ai Cam ?President of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , delivers the closing remarks

Conference brings many useful information and insightful discussion in fintech and blockchain

This conference has connected many local and international well-known researchers, bringing forward solutions and ideas about digital transformation, blockchain and fintech technology application in banking and financial investment more openly. It also enables bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c to promote international cooperation activities, experience exchange, international publications, and research quality of faculty members, facilitating scientific research activities in other disciplines and fields.

More photos below:


News: Cẩm Thạch

Photos: Media Division

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Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/mou-signing-ceremony-and-conference-on-education-and-training-between-nguyen-tat-thanh-university-and-the-university-of-veliko-tarnovo-bulgaria/ //interketsa.com/en/mou-signing-ceremony-and-conference-on-education-and-training-between-nguyen-tat-thanh-university-and-the-university-of-veliko-tarnovo-bulgaria/#respond Fri, 21 Apr 2023 15:59:43 +0000 //interketsa.com/?p=35770 NTTU ?on April 17th, 2023, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c organized The MOU Signing Ceremony and the Conference on Education and Training with the University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria), opening up many collaborative opportunities for both universities. The program honorably received the participation of H.E. Madam Marinela Petkova –  Ambassador of Bulgaria to Vietnam, Mr....

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NTTU ?on April 17th, 2023, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c organized The MOU Signing Ceremony and the Conference on Education and Training with the University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria), opening up many collaborative opportunities for both universities.

The program honorably received the participation of H.E. Madam Marinela Petkova –  Ambassador of Bulgaria to Vietnam, Mr. Do Viet Ha ?President of Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organizations, Mr. Ho Xuan Lam ?Vice President of Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organizations, Ms. Hoang Thai Lan ?President of the Vietnam-Bulgaria Friendship Association, Prof. Hristo Bondzholov ?President of the University of Veliko Tarnovo, Prof. Vladimir Vladov ?Vice Dean of Linguistics Faculty of the University of Veliko Tarnovo. Representatives from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c were Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh ?Vice President, Prof. Dr. Vu Quang Manh ?Dean of Faculty of Environmental and Food Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Quang Hao ?Dean of Faculty of Tourism and Creative Communication, Mr. Le Quang Khanh ?Manager of International Relations Department, together with more than 120 lecturers and students.

In the opening remarks, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh ?Vice President of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c sent his greetings to H.E. Ambassador Marinela Petkova, the delegation of the University of Veliko Tarnovo, esteemed guests, lecturers, and students participated. He shared that the university has been boosting the internationalization strategy and overseas partnership expansion, including Bulgaria ?a country with a long history and advanced education. He believed that after the MOU signing ceremony, two universities would implement lecturers and student exchange programs, Eramus+ projects funded by the European commission.

Opening remarks delivered by Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh ?Vice President of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c

In the speech, H.E. Ambassador Marinela Petkova shared information on the beautiful Bulgaria including culture, education, economics, engineering, technologies, adding that the collaboration between bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and the University of Veliko Tarnovo contributed to the fruitful bilateral relationship of two countries ?Vietnam and Bulgaria. Furthermore, the Embassy of Bulgaria in Vietnam would always support programs collaborated by two universities in the future.

H.E. Ambassador Marinela Petkova at the event

Prof. Hristo Bondzholov ?President of the University of Veliko Tarnovo expressed his sincere gratitude to bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c for the hospitality. Following that, Prof. Vladimir Vladov ?Vice Dean of Linguistics Faculty presented the introduction of the University of Veliko Tarnovo and shared the famous song of Bulgaria.

Prof. Hristo Bondzholov – President, University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)

Prof. Vladimir Vladov – Vice Dean, Faculty of Linguistics 

The program concluded with the signing of MOU between two universities on exchange of academic staff, lecturers, and students; specialized literature; international academic activities organized by both parties; joint projects funded by Erasmus+ cooperation opportunities; cultural exchange, sport events, exhibition, etc.

The signing witnessed by H.E. Ambassador Marinela Petkova and esteemed guests

The University of Veliko Tarnovo is a public university established in 1963 at Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria), the second biggest university in Bulgaria with more than 18,000 students and 9 faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Fine Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of History, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Modern Languages, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, and Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences.

The collaboration between bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and the University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria) has opened up many opportunities for academic staff, lecturers, and students of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c in the upcoming time, supporting students to learn more effectively from international working and studying environment to conquer the dream in the future.

More photos of the program:

Bài viết: Nguyễn Hoài Luân (HTQT)

Hình: Media

The post MOU Signing Ceremony and Conference on Education and Training between bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and the University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria) appeared first on Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành.

//interketsa.com/en/mou-signing-ceremony-and-conference-on-education-and-training-between-nguyen-tat-thanh-university-and-the-university-of-veliko-tarnovo-bulgaria/feed/ 0
Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/nttu-signs-memorandum-of-understanding-mou-with-josai-international-university-japan/ //interketsa.com/en/nttu-signs-memorandum-of-understanding-mou-with-josai-international-university-japan/#respond Thu, 20 Apr 2023 17:55:10 +0000 //interketsa.com/?p=35772 NTTU ?Recently, during a business trip to Japan, the delegation of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c including Dr. Tran Ai Cam, President, Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong, Vice President, Le Quang Khanh, MSc., Manager of International Relations Department had a meeting with Josai International University. Josai International University was represented by Dr. Yuan Fu Zi, Assistant...

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NTTU ?Recently, during a business trip to Japan, the delegation of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c including Dr. Tran Ai Cam, President, Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong, Vice President, Le Quang Khanh, MSc., Manager of International Relations Department had a meeting with Josai International University. Josai International University was represented by Dr. Yuan Fu Zi, Assistant to the President, Prof. Maria Ichiyama Shiguemi, Deputy Director of Organization for the Promotion of International Collaboration, Prof. Tim Woolstencroft, Director of the Center for Foreign Languages and Prof. Tricia Abigail Fermin.

Before the official meeting, the delegation of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c visited the international student area, the Faculty of Nursing, the Faculty of Pharmacy, etc. The two universities then signed the memorandum of understanding which agreed on joint training and research activities; Textbook exchange and academic publication; Exchange of lecturers for research, teaching and academic exchange; Exchange students to study and research.

bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c visits Josai International University (Japan)

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Dr. Tran Ai Cam expressed her deepest thanks to the leaders of Josai International University for welcoming the delegation of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c . Dr. Tran Ai Cam shared: “The Memorandum of Understanding is an important milestone for the two universities to further strengthen their strategic cooperation in higher education, providing students with a valuable opportunity to gain access to a Japanese advanced higher education. Through the partnership, students will have the chance to study at Josai International University in many fields including Management and Information Science, International Humanities, Communication, Social Work, Tourism, Medicinal Science, Nursing”.

bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Josai International University (Japan)

Dr. Tran Ai Cam also hopes that in the coming time, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c will have more opportunities for cooperation in the key training disciplines of the University, including Nursing, Japanese Language Education, Tourism, Communication, etc. Hopefully the cooperation relationship between bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and Josai International University will be further promoted not only in the field of training, but also research projects between lecturers and students of the two universities.

This visit is a good start for the cooperation relationship between Josai University (Japan) and Nguyen Tat University in the near future.

Phượng Nguyễn – Tiến Thành

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Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/the-consulate-general-of-india-in-ho-chi-minh-city-to-receive-students-of-nguyen-tat-thanh-university-for-internships/ //interketsa.com/en/the-consulate-general-of-india-in-ho-chi-minh-city-to-receive-students-of-nguyen-tat-thanh-university-for-internships/#respond Wed, 05 Apr 2023 16:31:59 +0000 //interketsa.com/?p=34875 NTTU ?Recently, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City have signed the MOU for cooperation on cultural exchanges and internships for students. The ceremony welcomed the participation of Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi – Consul General of India in HCMC, Mr. Gunadhar Sena ?General Director of...

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NTTU ?Recently, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City have signed the MOU for cooperation on cultural exchanges and internships for students.

The ceremony welcomed the participation of Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi – Consul General of India in HCMC, Mr. Gunadhar Sena ?General Director of Bank of India in HCMC, Mr. Barthwal Manoj ?Director of SIV Associates Intl.Pte. and former of Indian Business Chamber in Vietnam, dancers from Orissa Dance Academy, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh ?Vice President of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , Accoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Quang Hao ?Dean of Faculty of Tourism and Creative Communication together with lecturers and more than 250 students of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c .

Following the signed MOU between bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and the Consulate General of India in HCMC, students of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c shall be offered internships by the Consulate General of India in HCMC and businesses of India, cultural exchanges and tourism promotions posted on websites and social platforms.

The MOU signing between bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City

Delivering the opening session, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh ?Vice President of Nguyen Tat Thanh highly appreciated the fruitful collaboration with the Consulate General of India in HCMC and businesses of India, providing high quality and skilled human resources to the local and international labor market, contributing to the university’s internationalization pathway.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh ?Vice President addresses at the ceremony

Witnessing the signed MOU, Mr. Gunadhar Sena ?General Director of Bank of India also expected to receive students of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c for internships and jobs.

Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi ?Consul General of India in HCMC expressed his truly sincere gratitude to bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c for the long-lasting collaborative partnership over the years. Dr. Sethi affirmed the strengthening of the India-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership in many fields of diplomacy, culture, education and society, especially in the context that India was elected to be G20’s Presidency.

Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi ?Consul General of India

On the same day, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and the Consulate General of India in HCMC co-organized many cultural exchange activities including the lamp lighting ceremony, India Day, the seminar on India – G20’s Presidency and the Vietnam ?India comprehensive strategic partnership.

Many cultural exchange activities during the event

Over the years, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c has established cooperative relationships with universities and businesses in many countries around the world with the goal of providing students a comprehensive and standard learning environment. This cooperation will bring many advantages to students in finding jobs after graduation. 100% of graduates offered jobs is a solid commitment that the university made to students and parents.

Hồng Quang – Duy Anh

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Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/nguyen-tat-thanh-university-reports-research-results-at-nova-university-lisbon-portugal/ //interketsa.com/en/nguyen-tat-thanh-university-reports-research-results-at-nova-university-lisbon-portugal/#respond Fri, 14 Oct 2022 08:16:22 +0000 //interketsa.com/?p=30911 Workshop on survey result reports on 03 sectors including ICT, Agrifood and Tourism took place at NOVE University Lisbon (Portugal) Participants at the program included University of Padova (Italia), University of Salamanca (Spain), Steps Srl., experts and project members of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , Hanoi University, Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam University of Agriculture as...

The post bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c reports research results at NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal) appeared first on Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành.

Workshop on survey result reports on 03 sectors including ICT, Agrifood and Tourism took place at NOVE University Lisbon (Portugal)

Participants at the program included University of Padova (Italia), University of Salamanca (Spain), Steps Srl., experts and project members of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , Hanoi University, Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam University of Agriculture as well as Hanoi SME Association. The workshop is amongst series of significant events of LABMOVIE project (Labour Market Observatory in Vietnam Universities) funded by Erasmus+ Europe over the period of 2020-2023.

Representing bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh presented the dissemination plans of the purposes and the deliverables of the project to the stakeholders of students, enterprises, lecturers, a compulsory output required by Erasmus+ Fund in terms of the sponsored project effectiveness.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh presents the dissemination plan to the project’s stakeholders

As part of the event, Mr. Nguyen Phuong Thong ?Deputy Manager of International Relations Department of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c reported on enterprise survey analysis on business activities and professional figures employed at these enterprises in the sector of Information and Communications Technology in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. These outcomes were highly appreciated by the project coordinator with high satisfaction of work package 2 requirement.

Mr. Phuong Thong reports at the event

International Relations Department 

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Hợp tác quốc t?Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành //interketsa.com/en/nguyen-tat-thanh-university-organizes-seminar-on-future-labor-skills-for-vietnamese-manufacturing-food-processing-and-electronics-sectors/ //interketsa.com/en/nguyen-tat-thanh-university-organizes-seminar-on-future-labor-skills-for-vietnamese-manufacturing-food-processing-and-electronics-sectors/#respond Thu, 21 Jul 2022 06:22:18 +0000 //interketsa.com/?p=28120 In order to promote international cooperation programs and improve the quality of training high-quality human resources in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0, on July 19, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) organized a seminar on “Future Labor Skills for Vietnamese Manufacturing: the Food Processing and Electronics Sectors? This is a program under the framework...

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In order to promote international cooperation programs and improve the quality of training high-quality human resources in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0, on July 19, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) organized a seminar on “Future Labor Skills for Vietnamese Manufacturing: the Food Processing and Electronics Sectors? This is a program under the framework of the DANIDA-Vietskill project funded by the Danish Government.

Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong, Vice President of NTTU ?Partner member of VIETSKILL project

NTTU co-organized with Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) and Nha Trang University, with the participation of industry experts from colleges, universities and companies in the field of Electronics and Food Processing in Vietnam. At the seminar, Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong – Vice President of NTTU – Member of the VIETSKILL project committee shared: “The purpose of the seminar is to create an opportunity for the project team to approach representatives from different universities and colleges, businesses in the fields of Food Processing and Electronics, jointly discussing opportunities and challenges in enhancing the position of human resources working in the industries in the global value chain, creating a source of skilled employees to satisfy the strict requirements of the labor market in the context of integration. The participating experts also discussed the common requirements of necessary skills to equip learners and workers in the Electronics and Food Processing industries. Given the discussions and idea exchange, universities and colleges also had a chance to meet and discuss to create potential cooperation relationships with businesses in training and product manufacturing in the Electronics and Food Processing industries.

Dr. Quach Hoai Nam – Vice Rector of Nha Trang University speaking at the seminar

Researchers from bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , Nha Trang University, and Copenhagen Business School delivered research results regarding new development directions for Electronics and Food Processing industries in Vietnam, based on a two-year joint research project funded by the Danish government (DANIDA-Vietskill project). From the research dissemination and discussions, the delegates thoroughly discussed about the development policies for Electronics and Food Processing industries and evaluated cooperation models between higher education sector and businesses for skills training and development.

Dr. Tran Thi Nhu Trang – Dean of Faculty of Environmental and Food Engineering (NTTU) discussed the challenges and opportunities of training human resources in Food Technology industry

At NTTU, the goal of enhancing student employment is one of the core missions. This is the reason why every year the University always focuses on the standardized development of training programs, regularly updating and mapping our training programs with overseas programs in line with domestic industry requirements through organizing seminars, international cooperation projects, scientific research, business partnerships in various industries. The common goals of the abovementioned activities are to meet the needs of higher education sector and to provide students with self-study competency, the potential to adapt with the fast-changing labor market in the context of Industry 4.0. Hence, graduates from NTTU are well equipped with employability skills and professionalism.

Dr. Le Van An – Dean of Faculty of Engineering – Technology shared the challenges and opportunities of training human resources in the Electronics field

Distinguished guests contributed ideas at the discussion sessions

An outlook at the conference

Delegates participating the seminar ‘Future Labor Skills for Vietnamese Manufacturing: the  Food Processing Sector?

Delegates participating the seminar ‘Future Labor Skills for Vietnamese Manufacturing: the  Electronics Sector?/em>

Nga Nguyễn – Duy Anh

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