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The 2023 English Speaking Contest champion has been found

NTTU – On the afternoon of November 1, at the District 4 campus, the 2023 English Speaking Contest organized by the Foreign Language Center of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức officially found the champion.

Attending the final round were the presence of businesses: Mr. Tran Minh Duy – HCM City Regional Sales Director, Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Thuy – Senior Product Consulting Director of Dai Truong Phat Education Group; Ms. Luong Thi Hoang Le – Abroad study development Director of IDP Education; Mr. Ho Kinh Duc – Sales Director of IELTS With Datio Center.

On the jury: Mr. Ho Kinh Dat – Founder of IELTS with Datio English Center; Mr. Le Anh Minh – IELTS expert at IELTS with Datio Center; Mr. Alexander Reede – Assistant Director of the United Nations Model Conference, professional representative of Dai Truong Phat Education Group.

On the side of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức , there are: Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong – Vice President; Dr. Huynh Tan – Director of Foreign Language Center; Dr. Nguyen Vu Lan – Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Department with the presence of teachers, departments, faculties and a large number of students participated in cheering for the competition teams.

Speaking at the opening of the final round, Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong – Vice President of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức sent greetings to businesses, judges and 12 contestants of 4 teams. According to Dr. Phuong, the contest is not only a platform to develop the ability to use English but also an opportunity to express the creative spirit of each member.

Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong gave the opening speech of the final round of the 2023 English Speech Contest

“Let this competition be a testament to the limitless potential of youth and the power of language to shape our world. We congratulate all the lucky contestants, and hope that the best orator will win” – Dr. Phuong emphasized.

In the final round, 4 teams MAD, GOAT, LIL’ MEN and THE MIX competed in 2 rounds. In the first round of competition, teams debated the topic prepared by the judges within 3 minutes, and group members took turns debating ideas with members of the opposing group. At the end of round 1, the judges selected 2 teams with the best responses to enter the next round. In the second round, the two teams debated with the judges, each member of the two groups in turn answered questions from the judges, each member had a maximum of 2 minutes to answer.

4 teams competed in the final round

After a fierce competition, the LIL’ MEN team officially became the champion of the 2023 English Speech Contest organized by the Foreign Language Center of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức . Accordingly, the team winning the championship received 10 million VND in cash and an IELTS study voucher worth 10 million VND.

Team LIL’ MEN officially became the champion of the 2023 English Speaking Contest

The runner-up team was MAD with a prize of 4 million VND in cash and an IELTS study voucher worth 7 million VND. Team GOAT was the group that achieved the 3rd prize with a prize of 3 million VND in cash and an IELTS study voucher worth 5 million VND. The Consolation Prize went to THE MIX team with a cash reward of 2 million VND and an IELTS study voucher worth 3 million VND. At the same time, the organizers also awarded the Choice Award to the LIL’ MEN competition team with a reward of 1 million VND in cash and an IELTS study voucher worth 1 million VND.

The team that achieved the second prize was MAD….

… the GOAT team is the team that finished third

and the team that won the Consolation prize was THE MIX

Expressing his emotion and joy when winning the championship prize of the contest, student Dang Phuoc Dien – a 3rd year student majoring in English, representative of the LIL’ MEN contest team, said that in order to get a worthy result, during this period, the team members went through many difficulties, including how to arrange their study and practice schedules so that they could sit down and review together, which was very difficult. Dien added that through the competition, team members gradually become more mature and gain experience in speaking in front of crowds.

Evaluating the participating teams this year, Mr. Le Anh Minh – IELTS expert at IELTS with Datio Center said that the quality of the participating teams in 2023 has improved significantly compared to the previous year. Despite the uniformity in quality, through the competitions of the teams, LIL’ MEN truly became the champion convincingly.

Sharing the same opinion, Mr. Alexander Reede – Assistant Director of the United Nations Simulation Conference, the professional representative of Dai Truong Phat Education Group said that LIL’ MEN is the strongest team among all 4 teams competing in the final round. Although each team had different strengths. However, Mr. Alexander Reede believes that fluency and coherence in the main presentation of ideas and connecting them are common points that competing teams need to improve. He believes that competition teams need to focus on the content of the question, this will help the team’s ideas follow the content required by the judges.

School Board of directors, businesses representatives, judges and 4 competition teams

This was the second time bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức Foreign Language Center organized the English Speaking Contest. This was a useful academic playground for students from all majors and faculties throughout the school to work together to demonstrate their English skills, hone their knowledge, develop their strengths and practice their own confidence and bravery, improve professional knowledge and expand career opportunities. Thereby providing students with knowledge and skills to apply language in practice, ensuring human resources to participate in career fields in a competitive and internationally integrated environment, demonstrating the goal of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức is to create generations of global students, meeting the requirements of the 4.0 era.

News: Hong Quang

Photos: Media

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