bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức

Faculty of Law, bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức organizes seminar on “Legal responsibility for notarial activities according to Vietnamese law”

Recently, Faculty of Law of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức (NTTU), in collaboration with Manh Hung Group successfully organized a scientific seminar on “Legal responsibility for notarial activities according to Vietnamese law”. The seminar aims to analyze the current legal regulations on notarial acts and assess the status quo in the implementation of legal frameworks in the field of notarization in Vietnam. Eventually, recommendations and solutions to improve the current legislation where appropriate were discussed.

The seminar welcomed the presence of experts, lawyers, and academics in the area of jurisprudence. There were 18 papers selected to present at the seminar on a various range of topics such as Liability to compensate for damage from notarial misconduct, Governmental management over notary activities, Criminal liability in notarial activities, Role and legal value of notarization, Examination of notarial systems in the world to improve the operational model of public notary offices in Vietnam, etc.

Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan – Chairwoman of the University Board spoke at the conference

Speaking at the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President emphasized that: “The seminar combines professional knowledge about law on notarial acts and practical application in operating public notary offices. This is the result of a win-win cooperation between the University and firms to assist researchers, lecturers and students to approach practical work in the field of law in general and notarization in particular. Especially, the comments of delegates, who are currently notary publics, provide practical perspectives in notary activities in the context of Vietnam.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President of NTTU

Nowadays, notarial activities in Vietnam recorded many positive achievements. After more than 6 years of implementation of the Law on Notarization issued in 2014, a total of 1,202 public notarial offices were opened, including 118 notaries and 1,084 notary offices. In comparison with the period before implementing the policy of socialization of notarial activities, the number of public notarial offices increased up to 1002 offices (equivalent to 10 times growth). As of June 30, 2021, there are 3628 notaries nationwide. This is an increase of 3,235 notarial officers compared with the period before implementing the policy of socialization. Notaries are constantly trained  according to the required expertise and qualifications. However, the quality of notarial activities still remains many limitations which directly affect customers and create difficulties for governmental management agencies. For example, unfair competitions between notarial offices to win customers or notarial misconduct leads to legal consequences which adversely affect the public and create unnecessary legal disputes. The papers at the seminar focused on analyzing and clarifying the current circumstances of complying with regulations on legal liability in notarial activities according to the Vietnamese laws. Presenters also pointed out the shortcomings in the process of applying the current regulations to propose solutions improving the current legal system in the field of notarization, creating conditions for further development of notarial activities toward socialization and professionalism in line with the international standards.

Delegates at the seminar

Over the years, the Faculty of Law has been a reliable human resources provider for the field of Economic Law with excellent expertises, skills, professionalism and high responsibility to comply with legal regulations to work at state agencies and legal organizations. The Faculty of Law has developed an applied training program, which focuses on knowledge and necessary professional skills for graduates. Practical courses are taught directly by specialists from law firms to share their own experiences. In addition, the Faculty signed cooperation agreements with more than 20 agencies and organizations located in Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring localities. As a result, students are introduced to undertake internships and possibly employed immediately after graduation by these partner agencies and organizations.

Delegates at the seminar

Speaking at the seminar, Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan – Chairwoman of the University Board expressed her appreciation for the support and contributions from enterprises in general and Manh Hung Group in particular. These partners have always actively cooperated with the University in training high-quality human resources which satisfy the strict requirements of the labor market.

Presenters at the seminar

Representatives of Manh Hung Group and bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức

Nga Nguyễn – Duy Anh

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