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Graduation ceremony for students, 17th intake, NTT Institute of International Education: Full of Emotions


NTTU – On May 28, NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) held a graduation ceremony for 116 students. The ceremony took place with a solemn, warm and emotional atmosphere, marking an important milestone for the 17th batch of students.

Attending the graduation ceremony were Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Vice President of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức , Director of NTT Institute of International Education; Dr. Nguyen Manh Hoang, Vice Director of NTT Institute of International Education; academic staff, academic advisors; especially the presence of the 17th intake students with their families, relatives and friends.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Vice President of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức , Director of NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) sends greetings and advises to new bachelor and new engineer of 17th intake

Addressing the opening speech, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh sent his congratulations to all the NIIE’s new bachelors and engineers of the intake. “Congratulations on your achievement. It will be one of the most important achievements in your life. The knowledge, skills, and experiences that you have accumulated over the past 4 years will be the foundation for you to build your career in the future … The achievement you achieved today is your own effort. Besides, there is also the dedication of the lecturers, as well as the great merits of the parents who have raised them in the past time. Besides the degrees, please always remember that the university and lecturers are always ready to accompany you on the career journey ahead”, NIIE Director shared more.

Picture of 5 valedictorians of Intake K17 in 5 majors of Accounting, Information Technology, Hotel Management, Business Administration, Economic Law

Next, Dr. Nguyen Manh Hoang read the decision to reward and award scholarships to 5 valedictorians: Ta Ngoc Toan (Accounting); Truong Gia Dat (Information Technology); Pham Duc Nam (Hotel Management); Nguyen Phuong Uyen (Business Administration); Nguyen Hoang Dieu Tho (Economic Law). “The journey ahead will still be a lot of hardships and difficulties, but I believe that with the knowledge and skills gained, I will have the courage to overcome. I would like to thank the lecturers at NTT Institute of International Education for creating a useful learning environment with practical knowledge during the past 4 years. The degree received today is the most precious gift I want to give to all my lecturers and parents. I am grateful of my parents and lecturers for accompanying your child on the journey to conquer knowledge.” said student Pham Duc Nam, valedictorian of hotel administration, shared at the program.

The valedictorian of Hotel Management, Pham Duc Nam, feels touched to recall his 4-year journey at NIIE

Along with that, NTT Institute of International Education awarded degrees to all K17 students graduated from international standard programs. Certainly, this is a qualified human resource that can meet the high standards of domestic and foreign businesses, quickly adapting to the economic environment, integrating internationally and being ready to become a global citizen.

With the goal to make the graduation ceremony become a memorable milestone in the life of every student, the NIIE leaders have prepared everything carefully. Tears have fallen but they are tears of joy and happiness gathered during the four-year journey so that today, you can proudly say “I have grown!”.

Graduation hats are flying high, carrying the aspirations of freedom and ambition of the K17 graduates

Once again, NTT Institute of International Education would like to congratulate the new bachelors and engineers for completing their knowledge journey. Wish you all happiness and a lot of success on your journey to build the future.

K17, always be happy and successful!

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