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High level meeting between University senior leaders and the Standing Committee and the Executive Board of Ho Chi Minh City Business Association term VII

NTTU – Recently, at Rex Hotel, 141 Nguyen Hue, District 1, Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan – Secretary of the University Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, General Director of Saigon Textile and Garment Joint Stock Company, Chairwoman of the University Board attended the meeting between the Standing Committee and the Executive Board of the Ho Chi Minh City Business Association term VII (2022-2027)

At the program, the Business Association invited senior leaders and experts to share and discuss policies, market trends or current topics of interest to businesses. Head of Corporate Relations and Job Placement for Students fully participated and contributed practical ideas on appropriate topics, contributing to building the University’s brand.

Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan speaks at the event.

Participating in this event has contributed to building the brand name of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức , exploiting opportunities to approach businesses, expanding the network of business relationships, inviting businesses to cooperate with the University, comment on training programs, receive students for site visit, practice, recruit graduates, participate as business lecturers, support the start-up activities of the University and participate in voting and evaluating the University during QS stars and surveys.

bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức is a pioneer university in building a model of cooperation between academic institutions and businesses. Every year, the University cooperates with the NTTU Business Club to organize job fairs, meetings, and direct recruitment opportunities with many businesses in the Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring provinces, connecting with more than 2,000 businesses, and creating more than 3,000 jobs each year for students. This is a testament to the University’s promise of employability for students that “100% of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức students are offered jobs”.

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