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Many interesting things exchanged with the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada

NTTU – On May 17 to 19, the Faculty of Architecture – Interior – Applied Fine Arts welcomed students from the Faculty of Urban Studies and Tourism, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada (UQAM). The delegation included 01 lecturer, Alexandre Labelle and 7 students.

The exchange program between students of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức and the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada outlined many activities such as: Practical experience in typical residential areas of Saigon – Ho Chi Minh City, visit to design offices; sightseeing and collecting information at Cho Lon (District 5), Thanh Da Apartment, Binh Quoi suburban village; field visit to DE-SO ASIA Design Consultant and Landscape Architecture Alliance (LAA). Through these activities, students of the two universities can bridge the gap in culture and language, and at the same time perfect and supplement their knowledge to take on the challenge of Rapid Design – Connectivity.

Students of the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada also joined many activities in Ho Chi Minh City such as walking, cycling, experiencing waterbus, sketching, and drawing.

At the end of the event, students from two universities were grouped to take the urban public space design test as well as present, debate and defend the implemented plan with 4 criteria of Creativity, humanity, influence (to society) and feasibility.

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