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Many scientists have cooperated with businesses to find a solution for social issues

Many scientists have cooperated with businesses to find a solution for social issues

NTTU – In the seminar “Connecting scientists and businesses before the Industrial Revolution 4.0” on Sept 11th at NTTU, over 100 scientists that were professors, doctors representing for scientists from all over the world had the opportunity to meet and connect to large businesses in Vietnam. This idea was to boost the application of creative science into practice on the edge of changes of the Industrial revolution 4.0.

In the context of the fact that the whole world is going to step into a new era, most of the scientists hope to create a breakthrough in technology and science activities, create products that can be highly applied into practice basing on research projects. To do this, it is necessary to make cooperation between scientists and businesses, which is considered a best way to bring scientific research projects into practice.

Businesses brought out challenges for young scientists to find solutions together

“Most research of scientists is implemented at universities and institutes and hasn’t had much connected to each other that we can bring them into practice. Scientists themselves also cannot have enough means to transfer all the research for social serving.” – said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hoa – Director of Information Technology Research and Development Institute, Hanoi University.

The inaugural ribbon-cutting ceremony launching the Novelind Knowledge Exchange

In order to solve this problem, as well as to help scientists to orientate research, it is necessary to have a place to connect closely between scientists and enterprises in order to create practical value chains. That is why the Novelind Knowledge Platform was formed with the goal of bridging scientists and businesses through addressing business challenges with research results from scientists. This is also a stepping stone for the ecosystem of science and technology, where individuals (including businesses and scientists) are symbiotic to share and implement each other on the three elements of the industrial revolution. 4.0: research – training – manufacturing, creating a favorable environment promoting the development of science and technology innovation and business growth. Novelind Knowledge Exchange is not a place where transactions take place, but also a sharing community, with the participation of scientists with hope of innovation for the good of society.

Prof. Duong Trong Hai presenting solutions and way to join Novelind Knowledge Exchange

Prof. Duong Trong Hai – Head of Institution for Industry 4.0, a researcher at NTTU, who created the idea of Novelind Knowledge Exchange, shared: “At present, the Novelind Knowledge Exchange has more than 200 official members, who are young scientists across the three areas Northern – Central – Southern. They will go to places which has outdated technology to share advanced technologies to increase labor productivity. In addition, they will connect with other scientists to help businesses address the core issues that businesses face so they can work together to find and innovative approaches to these challenges.”

Prof. Duong Trong Hai aslo hoped: “Newly established knowledge exchange faces many difficulties and challenges. However, under the backing from bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức , we believe that in the future, Novelind knowledge Exchange will grow with more than 10,000 scientists, experts and 1000 enterprises joining together to solve social issues.”

Group photo-shoot

Accordingly, participants at the workshop discussed initiatives to strengthen the relationship between scientists, businesses and universities as well as research institutions, contributing to the sustainable development of the country.

Article: Nga Nguyen

Photos: Duy Anh

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