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More than 25 scholarships awarded to students of Faculty of Engineering and Technology

NTTU – Recently, at the campus of District 12, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology met with representatives from enterprises, directly recruited and awarded more than 25 scholarships to students with excellent academic achievements. The activity is within the framework of the 20th Anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.

Participants were Mr. Vu Khac Trai – Director of Automobile Factory, 751 Limited Company, Ministry of Defense; Mr. Nguyen Trong Bang – Director of Batech Vietnam Technical Service Trading Co., Ltd; Ms. Vuong Thuy Duong – Deputy Director of Estec Vietnam Co., Ltd; Mr. Cao Van Tuan – Director of My Thanh Science and Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. and representatives of businesses in the fields of electrical – electronics, mechatronics – electronics, automobile, logistics and IoT.

Representatives of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức included Dr. Tran Ai Cam – President; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President; Dr. Nguyen Tan Phuoc – Former Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Technology; Dr. Le Van An – Dean of Faculty of Engineering – Technology and representatives of businesses, former leaders of the Faculty, alumni, lecturers and students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.

At the program, businesses introduced recruitment information, job positions, career development or career advancement opportunities. In addition, many students asked employers questions about job positions, necessary skills, salary, internship position, etc.

The representatives of businesses introduce recruitment information and answer questions from students about employment issues, promotion opportunities, …

Also, 3 businesses including: Batech Vietnam Technical Service Trading Co., Ltd., Estec Vietnam Co., Ltd and My Thanh Science and Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. awarded 27 scholarships value up to 30 million VND for students with high study achievements in the following fields: Electric – Electronic Engineering Technology, Mechanical – Electronic Engineering Technology, Automotive Engineering Technology, Logistics and Supply Chain Management. These scholarships will be awarded directly to students of Faculty of Engineering and Technology by businesses.

27 scholarships worth up to 30 million VND awarded by businesses to students

Expressing congratulations to the faculty of Engineering – Technology on the 20th anniversary of its establishment, Mr. Nguyen Trong Bang – Director of Batech Vietnam Technical Service Trading Co., Ltd hopes that the two sides will continue to connect and cooperate on academic training activitities to meet social needs as well as support students in internships and job opportunities after graduation.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Bang shares at the event

Within the framework of the 20th Anniversary, the Faculty of Engineering – Technology officially launched the Business Club and the Student Club. This will be an important bridge to support the Faculty of Engineering – Technology in particular and bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức in general to build a job and internship opportunities for students.

Business Club and Student Club of Faculty of Engineering and Technology officially launched

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President of the University sent her thanks to the businesses that have accompanied bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức during the past time. She also said that the establishment of the Faculty’s Business Club as well as Student Club is one of the important steps in the renovation of training programs, job placement, and internships for students.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President of the University expresses thanks to the enterprises

Dr. Le Van An – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering – Technology shared that the faculty will continue to improve the training program, integrate digital technology into the training program from fundamental subjects to specialized subjects. Designing application-oriented training programs, linking theoretical training with internships at enterprises to meet the needs of learners as well as employers. At the same time, the Faculty will provide workshops to improve the digital skills of lecturers to build digital learning materials to meet actual needs, building question bank that meet in order to comprehensively assess competencies to ensure that graduates have the skills and necessary knowledge.

News: Hồng Quang

Photos: Media Division

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