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bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức enters top 10 Vietnamese universities with best academic achievements in the world

Recently, URAP (The University Ranking by Academic Performance) has announced a list of university rankings based on academic achievement. In particular, Vietnam is honored to have 17 universities ranked in which bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức (NTTU) ranks 7th in this ranking and 1,526th in the world, becoming the only non-public university of the southern region in Vietnam entering the URAP ranking system.

The University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) is a university ranking developed by the Informatics Institute of Middle East Technical University. URAP’s scientific measurement is based on data obtained from the Institute for Scientific Information via Web of Science and inCites. URAP uses data on the academic achievement of all universities listed by the Web of Sciences to generate the ranking. The criteria of quantity, quality of scientific publications, citation index and scientific impacts, etc entirely take the biggest weight in the measurement process. The system uses neither data provided by the participating universities, nor expert votes. Hence, the result is absolutely unbiased, considering from an academic perspective.

NTTU is the only non-public university in the southern region ranked in the URAP

Until now, NTTU has over 2,000 articles published in a range of prestigious international scientific journals listed in the ISI/SCOPUS journals and over 850 articles published in well-known domestic scientific journals. NTTU also obtained other academic achievements including: Top 5 in terms of the number of international publications, Top 20 for scientific research indicators in Vietnam’s university performance metrics (UPM), Southeast Asian Journal of Sciences of NTTU ranked 8th in the top 30 scientific journals published online in Vietnam. In particular, the Vietnam Journal of Computer Science (VJCS) of NTTU has just been officially approved into the SCOPUS database system and entered the top 5 of the ranking system of Impact Factor in the 2020 Vietnamese Scientific Journals. Most recently, this journal has been listed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). In 2021, NTTU was ranked 7th by Webometrics out of 178 universities in Vietnam. In 2022, NTTU successfully entered the top 3 out of 24 universities in Vietnam into the SCImago Institutions rankings.

Over the years, NTTU has always continued to strengthen and diversify scientific research activities. From the initiatives of allocating and encouraging lecturers from faculties, institutes and centers to participate in scientific research, NTTU has focused on implementing applied research, as well as national and university-wide level research topics and other research training programs. The University also established a variety of research centers and institutes to promote high-tech and advanced technology research on the basic achievements in fundamental/basic, health sciences, etc. In addition, the University always ensures to create a favorable environment  for the development of scientific research by establishing the NTTU Scientific Research Fund with a total investment of over 60 billion VND, as well as regular science and technology conferences and research training activities.

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