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Student Week of Scientific Research, Innovation and Entrepreneuship in the academic year 2022 – 2023 ended

NTTU – On March 16, 2023, the conference organized for first-year students of the faculty of Finance – Accounting is the last event of the Student Week of Scientific Research, Innovation and Entrepreneuship in the academic year 2022 – 2023.

The speakers of the conference were Ms. Nguyen Le Kha – Director of Sigma Invest – Consult Joint Stock Company, Chairwoman of IPO-SIHUB Club; Mr. Tri Nguyen – Sales Manager of LEITZ group (Germany) in Vietnam.

Mr. Nguyen Le Kha – Director of Sigma Invest – Consult Joint Stock Company, Chairwoman of IPO-SIHUB Club

Mr. Harvey Tri Nguyen – Sales Manager of LEITZ group (Germany) in Vietnam

Opening the event, Dr. Nguyen Huu Thuan Anh – Deputy Manager of the Science and Technology Department sent her sincere thanks to leaders of the university and functional departments as well as esteemed partners for supporting activities of scientific research, innovation and entrepreneuship of the university. This is the first time the university organize the Student Week of Scientific Research, Innovation and Entrepreneuship providing students opportunities to approach early to scientific research, innovation and entrepreneuship activities.

In the conference, Dr. Thai Hong Thuy Khanh – Dean of the Faculty of Finance – Accounting shared on the current research orientation, the strength of human resources and facilities to support students in scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship; Dr. Phan Bui Gia Thuy and MSc. Nguyen Cao Anh also shared about scientific research methods, practical experiences for these freshmen majoring in economics; Ms. Nguyen Le Kha presented on solutions to encourage students to do startups and innovation in the current context of the financial sector; Mr. Tri Nguyen talked about the goal-oriented thinking, the secret of setting and conquering the life’s goals.

Dr. Thai Hong Thuy Khanh – Dean of the Faculty of Finance – Accounting and Dr. Nguyen Huu Thuan Anh – Deputy Manager of the Science and Technology Department reward gifts to the guests from business

Students enthusiastically raise questions to the spearkers

The Student Week of Scientific Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the academic year 2022 – 2023 help students understand more about the importance of scientific research and innovation in a university. Besides, those activities encourage and inspire students for doing scientific research and startups.

Besides academic training, bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức also inspire students to innovate and self-employ to create more values for themselves. Furthermore, scientific research activities help to build solid foundation for students to approach research methods adapting to the current context of globalization, science, and technology trends of the world. The promotion of innovative startups and scientific research has contributed to the overall scientific achievement of the country. Some research findings have been applied in many industries, creating positive effects in the life society.

Some photos of the conference:



News: Ngọc Giàu
Photos: Nhật Huy

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