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Students of NTTU was inspired by the Incubator Program for Entrepreneurs

NTTU – In a series of activities accompanying students on the path of entrepreneurship and innovation, on June 26, 2023, at bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức and the Southern National Startup Advisory and Support Council co-organized the start-up exchange program in 2023 with the theme “the Incubator Program for Entrepreneurs”

The start-up exchange program in 2023 with the theme “the Incubator Program for Entrepreneurs” was organized at NTTU

Participating in the program, there were Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy – Standing Vice Chairman of the Southern National Startup Advisory and Support Council, and Entrepreneurs who are members of the Council; Ms. Truong Thi Dieu Oanh – National Entrepreneurship Program Training Board and representatives of Universities and Colleges in Ho Chi Minh City and the Southern region,…

Representatives from NTTU included Ms. Huynh Hong Mai – Deputy Director of the Innovation and Incubation Center; Ms. Nguyen Hoang Ngoc Chau – Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, and more than 100 students of NTTU and other universities and colleges interested in the program.

Ms. Huynh Hong Mai gives her opening address

Opening the program, Mr. Huynh Hong Mai, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, sent sincere thanks to Entrepreneurs for their participation. she also emphasized that NTTU is very interested in entrepreneurship and incubating creativity for students of the University, promote and spread the spirit of entrepreneurship to students, regularly organize business exchanges with students to share entrepreneurial experiences, organize training courses for students on innovation. Besides the subject of Entrepreneurship which has been taught since 2016, in the near future NTTU will form a module on innovation and aim to develop innovative training programs, and at the same time piloting the subject Digital skills and creative thinking into teaching at university level, the future will be at graduate level. From the sharing of practical experience in starting a business, it will be valuable lessons for students on the path of learning and starting a business in the future.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy – Standing Vice Chairman of the Southern National Startup Advisory and Support Council hopes that the program shall support lecturers and students to accumulate experiences and knowledge in the start-up process

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy, Standing Vice Chairman of the Southern National Startup Advisory and Support Council said that the startup exchange program is a meaningful program organized annually by the Council and NTTU to create favorable conditions for students to come closer to successful entrepreneurs who are experienced entrepreneurs in innovative start-ups, through the program, hope to contribute to supporting students who are still cherishing the dream of starting a business with success.”

Revolving around the topic “Start-up preparation”, speakers and entrepreneurs shared their experiences and lessons learned on the journey of starting a business that is not “full of commissions”. Each story shared by the guests is about practical problems posed with many difficulties, challenges, even failures, etc. that any start-up will have to “cope” on the way to start-up. career development such as: bravery, business idea selection, capital, marketing and sales, personal brand development, financial management, personnel coordination, etc.

Entrepreneurs from the Southern National Startup Advisory and Support Council shared the journey of starting a business as a long, arduous, risky process, etc. It is important that you prepare your own capital including knowledge, skills, creative thinking, attitude. Therefore, students need to grasp knowledge on classes, the opportunity to learn outside, practice many entrepreneurial skills and a serious and enthusiastic attitude to pursue their passion.

Encouraging the spirit of young start-ups, speakers agreed that do not put pressure to succeed when starting a business. The road to success is not in the first start-up, success will only come to those who are enthusiastic, dare to think – dare to do – dare to face difficulties and challenges. On the other hand, Vietnamese students have more opportunities to start a business than before, the whole society is encouraging and supporting you, waiting for your creativity and breakthrough. It is important that you know how to recognize opportunities, take advantage of opportunities that come to you.

Questions from students to speakers
It can be said that the spirit of entrepreneurial commitment in recent years has been widely spread, the entrepreneurial culture has been formed and spread strongly among NTTU students. The organization of activities, building networks, nurturing, connecting and collaborating with creative startups are emphasized by the University. Many creative ideas of the students have won many awards at provincial, regional and national levels. Accordingly, along with the sharing of the speakers, entrepreneurship will be a valuable opportunity for students to learn more business knowledge so that young people can achieve success on the journey of establishing themselves and starting a business during the learning.

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