international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // Wed, 08 Jun 2022 07:17:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // // international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // 32 32 international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // // Tue, 31 May 2022 07:11:59 +0000 //   NTTU – On May 28, NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) held a graduation ceremony for 116 students. The ceremony took place with a solemn, warm and emotional atmosphere, marking an important milestone for the 17th batch of students. Attending the graduation ceremony were Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Vice President of Nguyen Tat Thanh...

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NTTU – On May 28, NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) held a graduation ceremony for 116 students. The ceremony took place with a solemn, warm and emotional atmosphere, marking an important milestone for the 17th batch of students.

Attending the graduation ceremony were Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Vice President of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , Director of NTT Institute of International Education; Dr. Nguyen Manh Hoang, Vice Director of NTT Institute of International Education; academic staff, academic advisors; especially the presence of the 17th intake students with their families, relatives and friends.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Vice President of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , Director of NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) sends greetings and advises to new bachelor and new engineer of 17th intake

Addressing the opening speech, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh sent his congratulations to all the NIIE’s new bachelors and engineers of the intake. “Congratulations on your achievement. It will be one of the most important achievements in your life. The knowledge, skills, and experiences that you have accumulated over the past 4 years will be the foundation for you to build your career in the future … The achievement you achieved today is your own effort. Besides, there is also the dedication of the lecturers, as well as the great merits of the parents who have raised them in the past time. Besides the degrees, please always remember that the university and lecturers are always ready to accompany you on the career journey ahead? NIIE Director shared more.

Picture of 5 valedictorians of Intake K17 in 5 majors of Accounting, Information Technology, Hotel Management, Business Administration, Economic Law

Next, Dr. Nguyen Manh Hoang read the decision to reward and award scholarships to 5 valedictorians: Ta Ngoc Toan (Accounting); Truong Gia Dat (Information Technology); Pham Duc Nam (Hotel Management); Nguyen Phuong Uyen (Business Administration); Nguyen Hoang Dieu Tho (Economic Law). “The journey ahead will still be a lot of hardships and difficulties, but I believe that with the knowledge and skills gained, I will have the courage to overcome. I would like to thank the lecturers at NTT Institute of International Education for creating a useful learning environment with practical knowledge during the past 4 years. The degree received today is the most precious gift I want to give to all my lecturers and parents. I am grateful of my parents and lecturers for accompanying your child on the journey to conquer knowledge.?said student Pham Duc Nam, valedictorian of hotel administration, shared at the program.

The valedictorian of Hotel Management, Pham Duc Nam, feels touched to recall his 4-year journey at NIIE

Along with that, NTT Institute of International Education awarded degrees to all K17 students graduated from international standard programs. Certainly, this is a qualified human resource that can meet the high standards of domestic and foreign businesses, quickly adapting to the economic environment, integrating internationally and being ready to become a global citizen.

With the goal to make the graduation ceremony become a memorable milestone in the life of every student, the NIIE leaders have prepared everything carefully. Tears have fallen but they are tears of joy and happiness gathered during the four-year journey so that today, you can proudly say “I have grown!”.

Graduation hats are flying high, carrying the aspirations of freedom and ambition of the K17 graduates

Once again, NTT Institute of International Education would like to congratulate the new bachelors and engineers for completing their knowledge journey. Wish you all happiness and a lot of success on your journey to build the future.

K17, always be happy and successful!

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international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // // Tue, 31 May 2022 06:32:42 +0000 // ASEAN region in South East Asia (where the 3 partner countries of this project, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam ID/MY/VN are part of) has less than 3 percent of the world’s vehicles, but it accounts for about 12 percent of the world’s road deaths. This number remains high compared to countries with much higher levels of...

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ASEAN region in South East Asia (where the 3 partner countries of this project, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam ID/MY/VN are part of) has less than 3 percent of the world’s vehicles, but it accounts for about 12 percent of the world’s road deaths. This number remains high compared to countries with much higher levels of motorization, such as the EU partner Partners: Italy, Portugal, and Sweden.

Project partners started the analysis stage during the project preparation. The initial results of the analysis with areas/problems of possible invetigations:

  • Today, road accidents are the major causes of death and injuries in ID/MY/VN.

Despite considerable efforts taken to reduce the number of traffic accidents and fatalities, yet the number of fatal accidents still remain high in ID/MY/VN.

The rate of two-three wheeled vehicles in Southeast Asian countries is very high in a global context. In Vietnam 93%, Malaysia 60% and Indonesia 55%. Portugal and Italy experience also high proportion (about 20%) of motorbikes and mopeds in country, where lessons can be learnt between project partners.

Vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists) make up 50-70% of road traffic deaths in ID/MY/VN. VRUs have the high risk to be killed per distance and time travelled.

Traffic fatality rate per 100,000 population in partner countries of this project proposal is 24.7 in Vietnam, 25 for Malaysia, and 17.7 in Indonesia, comparing to only 3.2 for Sweden, 5.5 for Italy and 5.9 for Portugal. This refers to a very high traffic risk in ID/MY/VN in comparison to EU partners (3-8 times).

The majority of death and injuries on the roads are among those aged between 15 and 49 years and they are the most economically active group in ID/MY/VN.

There is lack of a good quality accessible reliable accident data where underreporting and underregistration of accidents data in the official statistics are considerable problems in ID‐MY‐VN. EU partners have a national accident databases. One good practice is STRADA (Swedish Traffic Accidents National Database) where it integrates accidents data from traffic police, hospitals and insurance companies.

Vehicle and road standards are a critical part of road safety in ID/MY/VN from engineering point of view.

Road user behaviour and attitudes play a key role in accidents in ID/MY/VN.

Rapid rate of urbanization and motorisation with lack of infrastructure development.

Application of IT in Traffic Safety operation and management is important sector to be investigatd.

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Jakarta city in Indonesia is a good practice to learn from.

There is a need of advanced curricula and effective research at universities in ID/MY/VN in the subject road Traffic Safety. At postgraduate level, MSc students in civil/transportation engineering learn little about Traffic Safety and mostly from traffic engineering or road design. Besides, if the Traffic Safety curricula exists, it is not upgraded.

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international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // // Sat, 23 Apr 2022 07:48:33 +0000 // Deriving from the needs of Vietnamese universities implementing educational reform through the improvements of scientific research capacity and publication, NTTU organized an international scientific conference with the theme of “Promoting the publication of research results of lecturers in the field of Educational Science in Vietnam in the context of international integration”. The conference aims to...

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Deriving from the needs of Vietnamese universities implementing educational reform through the improvements of scientific research capacity and publication, NTTU organized an international scientific conference with the theme of “Promoting the publication of research results of lecturers in the field of Educational Science in Vietnam in the context of international integration”. The conference aims to share experts?experiences on issues related to promoting international publication of lecturers in the field of educational science in the context of integration.

Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan – Chairwoman of the University Board, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) gave her opening speech at the conference

The conference was chaired by Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi My Loc – President of Educational State Council for Professorship with the participation of Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan – Chairwoman of the University Board, NTTU; Dr. Tran Ai Cam ?President of NTTU; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong ?Vice President of NTTU; Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong ?Vice President of NTTU, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh ?Vice President of NTTU; Prof. Dr. Tran Trung – Director of Vietnam Academy for Ethnic Minorities. From Malaysia University of Science and Technology, the conference welcomed the presence of Prof. Dr. Premkumar Rajagopal ?President; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Harwindar Singh ?Dean of Faculty of Business Administration; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairir Khalil ?Dean of Postgraduate School; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ghazwan Al-Haji ?ASIASAFE Project Coordinator. In addition, the conference also attracted nearly 200 delegates, guests who are experts, scientists, lecturers, presenters, researchers and scholars working at national and regional institutes and universities, participating in-person or online through Zoom platform.

Delegates and guests at the conference

At the conference, the delegates and experts?discussions focused on the issues of publication of research results of lecturers in the field of educational science in Vietnam; Barriers to publication of research results; Opportunities and challenges in publishing scientific research results; The status quo of the publication of research findings on international academic journals to further propose solutions and models promoting the publication of scientific research results of lecturers in the field of educational science in Vietnam in the context of international integration. The conference is also an opportunity for scientists and lecturers in the field of educational science to learn, exchange experiences, acquire and improve their professional competencies and research capabilities in order to develop scientific publication skills. This helps to strengthen research activities, contributing to improving the quality of publishing research results of lecturers in the field of educational science in the context of international integration.

In the field of education, teaching activities, scientific research and international academic publication are practical contributions of individuals to wider society. It is shown that in Vietnam, research and publication of research results have not been properly developed. Recently, the number of quantitative research in Vietnam has recorded a significant growth rate, about 17-20% annually. However, the possibility for Vietnam to progress towards the same level as the leading countries in scientific research in the ASEAN region such as Singapore, Thailand or Malaysia remains difficult.

Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong – Vice President of NTTU presented a study on ‘Barriers to research activities as perceived by lecturers of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c ?/em>

According to Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan, at bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , apart from quality assurance activities, the University always prioritizes science and technology activities through practical initiatives such as regularly updating and issuing reward policies to directly support authors with internationally published articles; organizing many conferences, seminars to share research experiences, training courses to improve professional skills, scientific research and publishing skills on prestigious and highly ranked scientific journals in the world. Hence, the University also obtained great achievements in scientific research in terms of quantity and quality, evidenced by many scientific articles published in ISI/Scopus journals; prestigious domestic and international journals; scientific research projects at national, state, ministerial and departmental levels.

Ms. Nguyen Mai Lan shared that: “the organization of this conference hopes to improve the productivity of publishing research results in the field of Social Sciences in general and the field of Education Science in particular, with the aim of further increasing the achievements in scientific research, teaching and training activities of lecturers at NTTU”.

Prof. Dr. Premkumar Rajagopal ?President of Malaysia University of Science and Technology presented about Digital Education ?A new learning space in the context of innovative technology

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh – Vice President of NTTU spoke about ‘The Application of The Delphi Technique in developing educational programs?/em>

Dr. Susan E.Matthews – University of East Anglia (UK) delivered her presentation on the importance of scientific research and how to motivate academics – lecturers to participate in the development of scientific research through ZOOM platform.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Thuan – Vice President of VNU University of Education presented an overview of scientific research capacities for Education Science lecturers in the field of educational sciences.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trinh Thi Phuong Thao – Thai Nguyen University presented her findings on her study ‘Scientific publication skills in the context of international integration and recommendations for Education Science lecturers in Vietnam?

Dr. Nguyen Huu Cuong – Van Lang University provides practical guidance to prepare scientific articles based on IMRaD structure

Young scientists gave their opinions and discussions around the issues introduced by the presenters

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi My Loc – President of Educational State Council for Professorship delivered a summary of contents at the conference

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President of NTTU shared her closing speech to end the conference

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international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // // Thu, 21 Apr 2022 07:49:42 +0000 // Studying in the US has always been a dream and aspiration of many Vietnamese students because of its world’s leading education. However, not all students meet the requirements for studying abroad. GPA, foreign language proficiency, financial capacity, and visa approval are major barriers for Vietnamese students to attend overseas study programs. For that reason, transfer...

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Studying in the US has always been a dream and aspiration of many Vietnamese students because of its world’s leading education. However, not all students meet the requirements for studying abroad. GPA, foreign language proficiency, financial capacity, and visa approval are major barriers for Vietnamese students to attend overseas study programs. For that reason, transfer programs are introduced as an optimal solution.

US transfer programs 1+3, 2+2 – New trends in the coming years.

In simple terms, “transfer programs” or “international pathway programs?are forms of joint programs between domestic and foreign universities. With US transfer programs, students will study part of the programs in Vietnam, then they will be qualified to transfer to the US to complete the programs. Upon graduation, students will receive bachelor’s degrees issued by the host country.

With preeminent advantages, the US 1+3, 2+2 transfer programs will be a new trend in the coming years

It is apparent that studying transfer programs in the US can help students save their tuition fees while ensuring the acquirement of their knowledge, skills, and qualifications as they are supposed to study in the US for 1 to 3 years instead of the whole four years. In addition, while studying in Vietnam, students can enhance their English skills, and foundation knowledge as well as familiarize themselves with the international learning environment to have the best preparation before studying abroad.

Easily “win” a scholarship of up to 60% tuition for the US transfer programs between NIIE and ASU

Recently, to develop Vietnamese human resources of international quality and the ability to adapt to the global environment, NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) has promoted cooperation and alliance with countries with advanced global education, especially the US. The 1+3, 2+2 ASU University Foundation (ASU-UF) Study Abroad Program with a scholarship policy of up to 60% of the full course tuition fee, exclusively for NIIE students is launched.

Similar to other transfer programs, students participating in the ASU – UF program will learn:

  • One year at NIIE (Vietnam), then transfer to Angelo State University (USA) to complete the remaining three years of study.
  • Two years at NIIE (Vietnam), then transfer to Angelo State University (USA) to complete the last two years of study.

Upon graduation, students will receive a Bachelor’s degree issued by Angelo State University (USA).

Notably, to win a 60% of the tuition fee scholarship for the entire course mentioned above, students only need to meet the entrance requirements, including:

  1. Complete the high school program
  2. Get an IELTS certificate of 4.5 or higher or take the NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) English language test as an equivalent.

In addition, students can also gain other scholarships such as the Carr Earn-In Scholarship from $1,000 – $2,500/year, a summer scholarship of $1,000/summer semester, and a free summer dormitory, equivalent of $2,000.

Going abroad and studying in the US will become easier with the ASU-UF program.

Students can choose from one of five majors: Management, Marketing, International Business, Accounting, and Computer Science. In particular, Computer Science is a STEM major so that students are eligible to apply a stay in the US of up to 36 months after graduation. This is a “worth-considering?feature if you intend to develop a long-term career or settle in the United States of America.

Hopefully, through this article, you have had a better understanding of transfer program, know more about the ASU-UF pathway program, and have essential information to prepare for the journey to chase “the US dream” ahead. If you still have any questions, please leave your information at // or contact the hotline 0934.116.244 – 0938.116.244.


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international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // // Mon, 18 Apr 2022 09:24:58 +0000 // NTTU – Towards the 23rd anniversary of the establishment of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (June 5, 1999 – June 5, 2022,) creating favorable conditions for Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia cultural exchanges as well as sharing feelings, creating a warm traditional New Year atmosphere, encouraging the spirit of international students who are not been able...

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NTTU – Towards the 23rd anniversary of the establishment of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (June 5, 1999 – June 5, 2022,) creating favorable conditions for Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia cultural exchanges as well as sharing feelings, creating a warm traditional New Year atmosphere, encouraging the spirit of international students who are not been able to return home in the situation of Covid-19 epidemic, on April 16, 2022 bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c organized a Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia cultural exchange festival and foreign students were able to enjoy the traditional New Year of Cambodia (Chol Chnam Thmay), Laos (Bunpimay)

Attending the program, there were the participation of Dr. Tran Ai Cam ?President; Dr. Hoang Huu Dung ?Vice President; Nguyen Quynh Son, MSc. ?Director of Center for International Student Support; Nguyen Ngoc Anh, MSc. ?Deputy Director of Center for International Student Support; Nguyen Hoang Thao My, MSc. – Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, Head of the Department of Medical Testing Engineering.

Delegates attending the event

At the program, Dr. Tran Ai Cam wished the students and their families a happy, warm, and national traditional New Year. She also hopes that “You are an active factor contributing to further tightening the solidarity and friendship between the three countries Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia. bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c will continue to preserve and promote the tradition of solidarity and friendship, especially constantly improving the quality of training to meet the aspirations and interests of international students studying at the University”.

Dr. Tran Ai Cam delivers the address

At the program, the University together with the International Student Support Center awarded prizes to more than 70 students with high academic performances as well as achievements in outstanding activities to encourage the spirit of the students to continue to try harder in the following years studying at the school.

The University’s representative presented certificates of merit to students with outstanding academic achievements and active activities

“Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia Festival” is a program aimed at the traditional beauties of the countries, so the Organizing Committee has also brought the traditional cultures of the three countries to the students. In the program, student representing the three countries performed the “Baci – tying strings around a person’s wrist ” ritual – a traditional ritual of Laos – to further strengthen the friendships of students from the three countries in particular and the three countries in general.

Understanding that each nation has its own unique cultural identities, the program organized a performance of traditional costumes of the three countries to share the cultural beauty of each country as well as contribute to the preservation of the cultural heritage of each country.

The performance of traditional costumes of three countries Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia

At the end of the ceremony, a part of the festival was most enjoyed by the students with the cuisine of the three countries as well as the traditional water festival of the two neighbouring countries Laos and Cambodia.

The students mingled in the festive atmosphere through the water splashing game

The event is an opportunity for the school to understand more about international students studying at the premise as well as to connect students between the three countries and cement friendship.

Some other pictures at the festival:

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international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // // Thu, 31 Mar 2022 08:46:26 +0000 // On March 29, 2022, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) attended the meeting of the Board of Directors of the International Cooperation Club, Association of Universities and Colleges in Vietnam. The meeting was held from 9am to 11am on March 29, 2022 via an online platform. There was the presence of Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hung –...

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On March 29, 2022, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) attended the meeting of the Board of Directors of the International Cooperation Club, Association of Universities and Colleges in Vietnam.

The meeting was held from 9am to 11am on March 29, 2022 via an online platform. There was the presence of Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hung – Standing Member of the Executive Board of the Association, Head of the International Cooperation Committee in Universities and Colleges; Ms. Pham Ngoc Lan – Standing Member of the Executive Committee of the Association, Head of the Club Support Committee; Dr. Phung Lan Huong – Head of External Cooperation Department, Hanoi University of Science and Technology; Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh ?Department of External Cooperation, Hanoi University of Science and Technology; Dr. Chuc Anh Tu – Head of International Cooperation Department of the Vietnam Academy of Finance; Dr. Hoang An Quoc – Head of International Cooperation Department, HCMC University of Technology and Education; Dr. Nguyen Xuan Huy – Deputy Head of Science, Technology and International Cooperation Department of Hue University. From NTTU, there was the participation of Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong ?Vice President; Mr. Le Quang Khanh ?Head of International Cooperation Department; Mr. Nguyen Phuong Thong ?Deputy Head of International Cooperation Department.

International Cooperation Club was officially launched on March 16, 2022. From the Association of Vietnamese Universities and Colleges, Assoc. Prof. Dr Tran Xuan Nhi – Standing Vice Chairman of the Association; representatives of the Chief of Office, Head of administrative departments of the Association attended the launching ceremony of the International Cooperation Club.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Xuan Nhi spoke at the launching ceremony of the International Cooperation Club on March 16, 2022

This is the first club specializing in professional activities and attracted many member universities of the association and received the assistance from MSc. Nguyen Ngoc Hung – Head of International Cooperation Committee of the Association and former Deputy Director of MOET International Cooperation Department.

The meeting consisted of two main contents: Assignment of responsibilities of the Board of Directors and Discussion of International Cooperation Club?professional activities in 2022.

Regarding the first content, the meeting aimed to elect the Board of Directors in 2022. The delegates discussed and agreed on 05 positions in the Board of Directors, including:

Club Head: Dr. Phung Lan Huong – Head of External Cooperation Department, Hanoi University of Science and Technology.

Deputy Head in charge of Northern Region: Dr. Chuc Anh Tu – Head of International Cooperation Department, Vietnam Academy of Finance.

Deputy Head in charge of Central Region: Dr. Nguyen Xuan Huy – Deputy Head of Science, Technology and International Cooperation Department – Hue University.

Deputy Head in charge of the Southern region: Dr. Hoang An Quoc – Head of Science and International Cooperation Department – HCMC University of Technology and Education.

Deputy Head in charge of Non-public universities: Dr. Nguyen Lan Phuong – Vice President of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c .

Delegates at the launching ceremony of the International Cooperation Club

After finalizing on the Board of Directors for the club, the delegates continued to discuss the main activities in 2022 under 3 main aspects. In the second quarter, there will be a workshop on training and capacity building of international cooperation / external cooperation staff of member universities. Next in the third quarter, HCMC University of Technology and Education invites club members to attend a workshop in Nha Trang (July 29-30, 2022). In addition, in the third quarter, Hue University will also plan to organize a meeting for club members on October 6, 2022 at its campus, then the delegates will attend an event organized by the Association and a seminar at Hue University on Hue festival. Finally, in the fourth quarter, Hanoi University of Science and Technology will host a meeting of all club members in Hanoi ?possibly in the form of a seminar on internationalization of higher education.  The International Cooperation Club aims to strengthen the Board of Directors and recruit more club members.

At the end of the meeting, the members of the Board of Directors and Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hung reiterated the Association’s policy: “The International Cooperation Department does not interfere in international projects and international cooperation activities of the universities, but has the task of connecting and resolving the difficulties that member universities are facing. The seminars, conferences, research projects, cooperation programs announced on Zalo of the club related to international cooperation activities, shall be considered in the club’s activities. The Association and the Club encourage all members to share information and promote international cooperation activities among the member universities and colleges of the Association.?/p>

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international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // // Tue, 29 Mar 2022 03:08:57 +0000 // It can be said that studying in the USA is always the first choice of international students. The US is considered as an ideal destination for most students who want to find opportunities to study, work, gain experience and more, the value of the degree that students receive. After nearly two years of global freeze...

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It can be said that studying in the USA is always the first choice of international students. The US is considered as an ideal destination for most students who want to find opportunities to study, work, gain experience and more, the value of the degree that students receive. After nearly two years of global freeze due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2022, studying in the USA will be different from previous years, let’s take a look at this article.

2022 is the “golden” time for students to seize the opportunity to study in the USA

  • The entrance door is wide open

According to the Institute for Policy Studies (USA), the number of international students entering the USA in the fall of 2020?022 has decreased significantly from 63 to 98% compared to the 2018?019 academic year (vnexpress). In order to make up for the shortage of international students in the past two years due to the impact of the epidemic, the enrollment demands of US universities need a larger number, so students will have more opportunities to touch to the USA.

After 2 years of being severely affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, what are the opportunities for Vietnamese students to study in the USA in 2022?

  • Attractive scholarship policy

International students contribute significantly to the revenue of universities, so the shortage of international students in the past two years has affected the US economy somewhat. Therefore, US universities also offer many scholarships and great incentives to attract international students.

Is it difficult to get a scholarship to study in the USA?

Studying in the USA is really expensive, the average tuition fee for international students is from 20,000 to 30,000 USD/year. To solve this problem of tuition fees, students will find scholarship programs of organizations, governments or from the websites of US universities and colleges. But in order to receive the scholarship, students are required to demonstrate their ability and personal profile to be very impressive, and especially to have an IELTS/TOEFL score of 6.5/68 or higher. The main reason is that some universities will ask students to write an English essay of 500?,200 words to convince them why to choose you. To apply for a scholarship requires students to prepare very early to perfect their English level.

In order for students’ dreams of studying abroad not to be delayed, the NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) under bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c has signed a cooperation agreement with Angelo State University (ASU) in USA. ASU is a public university established in 1928 in San Angelo, Texas (USA). ASU has been ranked in the Top 15% of “America’s Best Universities” by the Princeton Review for 12 consecutive years. The cooperation program has brought about an attractive scholarship program for all students so that students can easily get scholarships when participating in the transfer to study abroad in the US. The program is called: 1+3 and 2+2 ASU articulation.

Angelo State University ranked in the Top 15% of “America’s Best Universities” for 12 consecutive years

The ASU 1+3 articulation program means a student who will study for 1 year in Vietnam (NIIE) and the last 3 years in the US. Accordingly, in the ASU 2+2 program, students will study for 2 years in Vietnam (NIIE) and the last 2 years in the US to receive a bachelor’s degree from Angelo State University. A special feature of the program is that students who transfer at the NTT Institute for International Education (NIIE) will receive a scholarship of up to 60% of the tuition fee when transferring to study in the US.

ASU 1+3, ASU 2+2 training majors include:

  • Business Administration
  • Marketing
  • Accounting
  • International business
  • Computer Science (ASU 1+3)

With a scholarship of 60% of tuition fees for students participating in the transfer to study abroad at NIIE, students only pay an average tuition fee of about 9,000 USD/year ?equivalent to the tuition fee for ASU local students. In addition, when participating in ASU 1+3 program, students also have the opportunity to consider Carr Earn-In scholarships based on academic results, GPA scores from 1,000?,500 USD/year. With the scholarship policy and many incentives that NIIE brings to international students, what are you waiting for?

To learn more about the ASU 1+3 and 2+2 study abroad program, please see here or contact the Admissions Counseling Department of the NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) ?bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c via hotline: 0934 116 244 ?0938 116 244 ?19002039 (ext. 700) or visit the website: //


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international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // // Fri, 25 Feb 2022 02:06:01 +0000 // NTTU – Recently, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c successfully held a signing ceremony for a cooperation agreement with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) on the integration of two subjects of the ICAEW CFAB Certificate into the NTTU Accounting curriculum. On February 23, 2022, at bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , the signing ceremony...

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NTTU – Recently, bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c successfully held a signing ceremony for a cooperation agreement with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) on the integration of two subjects of the ICAEW CFAB Certificate into the NTTU Accounting curriculum.

On February 23, 2022, at bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement took place between the University and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) on the integration of two subjects of ICAEW CFAB certification into the Accounting curriculum. Attending the program, on the side of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c , there were: Dr. Tran Ai Cam ?President of the University; Dr. Thai Hong Thuy Khanh ?Dean of Faculty of Finance and Accounting; Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Huyen ?Head of Auditing Department; Le Quang Khanh, MSc. ?Manager of International Relations Department; along with the staff from the relevant departments – faculties. Representatives of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales include Ms. Dang Thi Mai Trang ?ICAEW Representative in Vietnam; Ms. Le Bich Tran ?Education market development director; Mr. Nguyen Vu An Binh – Senior market development specialist in the corporate sector.

Representatives of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c and Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales discuss cooperation agreements

According to the cooperation agreement, the Faculty of Finance – Accounting of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c will officially integrate the subjects of Management Information and False Assurance into the curriculum starting from the academic year 2022. Students will use 100% of the original ICAEW textbooks compiled entirely in English during their studies.

After the memorandum of understanding on improving the quality of student training, and at the same time promoting scientific research and updating knowledge for the teaching staff, signed in October 2020, ICAEW and the Faculty of Finance – Accounting bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c organized many programs and activities for lecturers and students. In 2021, ICAEW also awarded the film rights and conducted training sessions for lecturers on modern financial human resource training methods using case studies, training in reality case knowledge on management – finance – accounting – auditing – False Assurance directly produced by ICAEW.

In addition, the programs to support capacity building of lecturers through educational seminars – fostering professional knowledge held annually by ICAEW are also actively supported by lecturers of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of the University. In terms of typical student support activities, ICAEW has sponsored more than 50 scholarships for students of the Faculty of Finance – Accounting to study Management Information in the ICAEW CFAB program (including soft skills training courses), thereby helping students gradually reach international standards.

Dr. Tran Ai Cam (left) and Ms. Dang Thi Mai Trang (right) represented the two sides to sign a cooperation agreement

The signing ceremony took place successfully, once again affirming the extensive development in the cooperation relationship between ICAEW and bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c . The integration of two subjects of the ICAEW CFAB Certificate into the Accounting curriculum at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting is in line with the University’s strategy of focusing on internationalization and integration for all training fields. At the same time, contributing to further strengthen the practical difference for the University’s training program, in order to train global citizens with the most practical and international-standard knowledge and skills, according to the philosophy “Real Learning ?Real Success ?Real Prestige ?Real Future”.

?Who is ICAEW? What is ICAEW’s mission in Vietnam?

ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) – The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales is a leading organization in the field of accounting and finance with the prestigious title of “Chartered Accountant” (ACA) from the expertise around the world.

ICAEW is a pioneer organization in building and providing formal Chartered Accountants training programs in Vietnam, with the mission of equipping members with solid knowledge and a competitive advantage to develop an accounting career – professional finance, especially the CFAB and ACA study programs.

?What is CFAB certification? What are the real and lasting values ​​of this certification?

CFAB (Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business): International certificate in finance, accounting and business. The CFAB study program will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills that can be used in any profession or business sector.

ACA (Associate Chartered Accountant): If you continue to conquer two levels of Professional Level and Advanced Level, you can own yourself the prestigious title of “Chartered Accountant”. ACA certification will help you improve your chances of working for the world’s top famous businesses.

?ICAEW “power” numbers

     ?01 – ICAEW is the pioneer and only organization to bring the title of “Chartered Accountant?to Vietnam

     ?165 – Number of countries ICAEW present in the world

     ?186,500 – Number of Chartered Accountants members and students worldwide

     ?97 – Percentage of the best brands in the world employing ICAEW Members

More photos in the ceremony

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international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // // Fri, 18 Feb 2022 02:34:09 +0000 // NTTU – Recently, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) has announced to bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c about changing the role of the university from the observer (membre observateur) to the associate member (membre associé) having the right to raise opinions at the general assembly of AUF. Becoming the associate member of AUF shall bring many...

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NTTU – Recently, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) has announced to bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c about changing the role of the university from the observer (membre observateur) to the associate member (membre associé) having the right to raise opinions at the general assembly of AUF. Becoming the associate member of AUF shall bring many opportunities for bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c in academic exchanges, scientific research cooperation as well as professional sharing with other universities.

Declaring in the announcement, AUF was so proud to receive the very active contribution of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c as a member of the network, hoping that changes in this approved regulation shall boost cooperative activities with the university to be stronger in the upcoming time.

bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c has become the observer of AUF since 2019. During that time, the university has actively participated in many activities such as the networking meetings hosted by Francophone universities, seminars and training organized by AUF. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the university was sponsored by AUF for the project “Develop an online training system following international standards” with a budget of 7,000 Euros in 6 months (from November 2020 to April 2021). After the success of this project, the university continued receiving the EUR 5,000 fund of building a MOOC studio from December 2021 to January 2022. Such activities show the commitment of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c to not only academic development but also efforts to expand links with universities around the world.

The MOOC studio of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c was funded by AUF

Founded in 1961 in Montréal (Canada), Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) is a multilateral organization that supports cooperation and solidarity among higher education institutions using French as one of teaching languages, especially focuses on Africa, Arab countries, Asia Pacific, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Caribbean region.

AUF has more than 779 members including public and private higher education institutions, networks related to university life.

Every year, AUF grants more than 2,000 scholarships to promote academic exchanges among member universities. Its annual operating budget of more than 40 million euros comes from contributions from countries in the Francophonie.

The goal of AUF is to promote relationships and cooperation among members in the following areas:

– Promoting scientific research cooperation

– Creating development factors for the future

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international Archives - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành // // Wed, 17 Nov 2021 04:30:59 +0000 // On November 9 & 10, 2021, more than 100 students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) participated in the international student exchange program hosted by Teikyo University in conjunction with 03 universities of Vietnam (NTTU, HCMUT & HCMUTE) organized with the name “Sakura Vietnam program 2021”. This is...

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On November 9 & 10, 2021, more than 100 students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c (NTTU) participated in the international student exchange program hosted by Teikyo University in conjunction with 03 universities of Vietnam (NTTU, HCMUT & HCMUTE) organized with the name “Sakura Vietnam program 2021”.

This is the second year bet365 soccer B?m ?? vo trang web chnh th?c has joined the Sakura program with Teikyo University, but this year the international student exchange program is conducted online for the first time due to the Covid-19 pandemic influence. A total of 466 students and many lecturers from 4 universities participated in the program, which is conducted in the form of workshops on the topics of precision mechanics, measuring devices, quantum computing and artificial intelligence application trends.

Pictures of the “Sakura Vietnam program 2021” program

The students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology NTTU left a very good impression to co-organizers with their enthusiasm, dynamism. After the event, the office of International Affairs of Teikyo University has expressed its expectation to actively promote cooperation with NTTU in the near future.

Nhan Hoang, PhD

Faculty of Engineering – Technology

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