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The Faculty of Law of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức seeks to increase job opportunities for graduates

The Faculty of Law of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức seeks to increase job opportunities for graduates

On November 17th 2019, the cooperative agreement signing ceremony between Faculty of Law of NTTU and Ben Tre Province’s People’s Court was held.

Representing Ben Tre Province’s People’s Court, Judge Nguyen Bien Thuy – Chief Justice of Ben Tre Province’s People’s Court; Judge Nguyen The Hong – Deputy Chief of Office; Judge Ho Thi Thanh Thuy – Chief Administrative Judge; Judge Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huong – Deputy Judge of Civil court, Mr Nguyen Van Minh – Evaluator attended the ceremony. The ceremony also saw the presence of representatives from NTTU, including Assoc. Prof. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President; Dr Chu Hai Thanh – Dean of Faculty of Law; Dr. Nguyen Trong Tuan – Head of Department of Fundamental courses, Faculty of Law; M.A Duong Thi Kim Xoa – Deputy manager, Department of Corporate Relations and Student Placements; Mr. Nguyen Phuong Thong, Deputy Manager of International Relations Department; Dr Vo Thi Ngoc My – Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine.

Mutual discussions were taken place before the signing ceremony

At the ceremony, two institutions agreed on collaborations in professional trainings and improvement of practical skills which are essential for future employment of NTTU’s law graduates. The contents of cooperative agreement include Ben Tre Province’s People’s Court will receive interns from NTTU and support them to gain knowledge and practical experiences. Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge to resolve real-world issues, improving their employability skills to work at courts, legal offices, or the partner institution after graduation. Both sides will also coordinate to organize practical training programs in the field of Economic Laws. Students-supporting programs are also taken into account, such as career counselling programs in Economic Laws, scholarships, field visits, conducting scientific research, club activities for Law students, etc.

The Faculty of Law, NTTU signed the cooperative agreement with Ben Tre Province’s People’s Court

The mutual partnership will open opportunities for lecturers, especially students in their future employment.

NTTU’s representatives visited Ben Tre Province’s People’s Court

The Faculty of Law, NTTU was established according to the Presidential Decision 174/QĐ-NTT on April 24th 2019, based on the separation of the Faculty of Law-Economics from the Faculty of Management-Law. At this time, the Faculty of Law is in charge of Economic Laws major. A majority of academic staff used to work or are currently working as judges, lawyers, law practitioners, bailiff offices, asset management officers, etc. to ensure the practical aspects of teaching theories in higher education. In addition, the Faculty of Law has built collaborative partnerships with a number of courts, People’s procuracy, attorney’s offices, law firms, notary offices, etc. These legal institutions located in southern Vietnam are the facilitators of field visits, internship programs for students during their studies. Besides, the Faculty also organizes moot courts equipped with facilities similar to real courtrooms. This practical room will be a place for Economic law students to practice, organize conferences and specialized workshops.  

Hồng Quang – Duy Anh

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