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The Innovation and Incubation Center cooperated with NTT Institute of International Education to organize the training session on completing and presenting startup ideas for NIIE Startup 2022

NTTU – On April 1, 2022, bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức Innovation and Incubation Center ((NIIC) cooperated with NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) to organize the visual training on completing and presenting startup ideas for NIIE Startup 2022 Competition.

Attending the training, there were Dr. Dam Quang Thang – Chairman of the National Innovation Advisory Council – General Director of Agricare Vietnam Co., Ltd; Dr. Nguyen Manh Hoang – Vice Director of NTT Institute of International Education; MSc. Huynh Hong Mai – Vice Director of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức Innovation and Incubation Center; together with students from NTT Institute of International Education.

Speaking at the beginning of the training session, Dr. Nguyen Manh Hoang – Vice Director of NTT Institute of International Education sent many thanks to the experts, hoped that the teams would learn a lot of experience in the training, and wished the NIIE Startup 2022 Competition to be taken place successfully.

Dr. Nguyen Manh Hoang spoke at the training session

At the training session, Dr. Dam Quang Thang – Chairman of the National Innovation Advisory Council – General Director of Agricare Vietnam Co., Ltd shared with students the implementation of innovative startup ideas and methods of completing pitching for innovative startup projects. In addition, students and competition teams were also trained on how to build and present business ideas according to the Lean Canvas model, as well as were introduced to the exam marking criteria to prepare the best for preliminary rounds of the NIIE Startup 2022 Competition.

Dr. Dam Quang Thang shared with students at the training session

The NIIE Startup 2022 competition was co-organised by bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức Innovation and Incubation Center (NIIC), NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) and the Student Affairs Department, not only to spread the inspiration for innovative startups to NIIE students but also to discover and nurture talented young startups at NIIE, thereby to help talented young startups approaching and contributing to the development of the innovative startup ecosystem of the university in particular and the community in general.

Photos at the training session

An Khang 

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