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Training course on intellectual property 2022 for lecturers, researchers and students of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức

NTTU – Within three days from June 8 to 10, 2022 bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức and Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Center – Ho Chi Minh City National University (IPTC) co-organized the training course on Intellectual Property in 2022 for more than 118 lecturers and researchers, together with 122 students on the platform of face-to-face and online (Zoom).

Attending the opening of the training course included Ms. Nguyen Minh Huyen Trang – Director of IPTC, Mr. Ngo Huu Thong – IPTC Chief of Office, Ms. Doan Thu Trang – Chief Representative of Questel Vietnam. On the side of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức , there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President, and Dr. Nguyen Huu Thuan Anh – Deputy Manager of Science and Technology Department.

Speaking at the opening session, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President emphasized the importance of intellectual property in the development of the university. The university’s leaders always encourage and comprehensively support lecturers, researchers and students in intellectual property registration activities for research results, academic products and startup ideas. The university hopes that such training courses on intellectual property shall provide more knowledge and information to remove the psychological barrier “how to register intellectual property”.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong is speaking at the opening session

Ms. Nguyen Minh Huyen Trang – Director of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Center – Ho Chi Minh City National University (IPTC) sent her sincere thanks to leaders of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức . It is very meaningful and important when the university consider intellectual property as one of its regular activities, quality goals and development strategies. IPTC will always accompany the university in intellectual property activities such as training, registration consulting, etc.

Ms. Nguyen Minh Huyen Trang – Director of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Center – Ho Chi Minh City National University (IPTC)

Mr. Ngo Huu Thong received flowers as a token of appreciation from  bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức

Also at the training session, Ms. Doan Thu Trang, Chief Representative of Questel Vietnam, shared her experiences on using tools to search for inventions for research activities. With over 8 years of consulting experience in the field of intellectual property, Ms. Doan Thu Trang has comprehensive intellectual property consulting skills from building technology maps, establishing rights to implement and commercialize intellectual assets with the support of Questel Group, contributing to the development of Vietnam’s innovation ecosystem through knowledge transfer to raise awareness of intellectual property in the local community.

Ms. Doan Thu Trang is presenting at the training session

The training course on intellectual property has become an annual activity of bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức , providing knowledge and changing awareness about the urgent role of the registration of intellectual property rights for academic products and research results; it’s not only inventions, useful solutions but also ideas, models, designs, textbooks, books… the university has had a lot of research results that are well evaluated by professional councils, many results are transferable and commercialized, and are proposed to be registered for intellectual property.

The new feature of this year training course is the participation of students, who are more and more interested in intellectual property issues because their scientific researches, innovation and startup ideas have been evaluated at competitions inside and outside the university. The university hopes that the training course shall provide students more basic knowledge and awareness of the importance of intellectual property activities, and in the near future, there will be many ideas of them to be protected when participating in competitions, then establishing ownership rights to develop startups.

There were six topics in this training course:

Topic 1: Intellectual property with training and research activities in universities

Topic 2: Establishing intellectual property rights for research and training results

Topic 3: Managing and exploiting intellectual assets in universities and research institutes

Topic 4: Using patent information for orientation and implementation to research and develop new products

Topic 5: Collaboration between enterprises and universities in the protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights.

Topic 6: Transfer intellectual property rights to lecturers, researchers and students of the university.

During the 3-day training, besides transmitting information according to each topic, there were many questions as well as exchanges between participants and lecturers from IPTC, showing the interest and high demand of lecturers, researchers and students to learn about intellectual property. There were many feedbacks from participants after each topic, suggesting and wishing the university to organize more training courses with a variety of forms and contents, combining practice with theory; organize more separate training on intellectual property for the health sector.

bet365 soccer Bấm để vào trang web chính thức with the orientation as an applied university strengthening in scientific research activities, innovation and entrepreneurship, the university always focuses and supports for intellectual property activities. Up to now, the university has had 01 utility solution and 15 applications for intellectual property rights approved by the National Office of Intellectual Property. Intellectual property activities in the university are increasingly receiving the attention of a large number of lecturers, researchers and students. Hopefully in the near future, there will be more intellectual property registration applications and more inventions to be recognized and commercialized.

Some photos at the training course:

Department of Science and Technology

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